Puffin Productions: Where the music lives!
Official Community for family concerts, recordings, and professional development
Download our Booking and Order Forms (pdf files)
- Concert Booking
- Workshop Booking
- Puffin BIO
- Recordings and Merchandise
- Puffin SOLO Stage Plot
- Puffin DUO Stage Plot
Puffin Productions represents Peter Puffin's Whale Tales (the concert act), and Peter Lenton: the award winning educator, and internationally acclaimed family entertainer who uses music to celebrate caring for the environment and each other, community building, and the wonderful world we live in!
Over a million people have experienced the world of Peter Puffin through public & school concerts, workshops, artist-in-residence programs, CDs, DVDs, Videos and Teaching Resources!
Peter taps the wonderful power of music to inspire kids and grown-ups to discover creativity and talents, and celebrate: environmental literacy, values education, boosting self esteem, multiple intelligences, peace making, community building and lifelong learning!
*** This is the home page of our legacy site, & except for the Facebook feed below, is no longer being updated.
Please visit our new web home (while we are fine tuning!) at www.puffinsongs.com
What's New?
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For earliest news of concerts, new Puffin songs, music, workshops, and Puffin Community experiences… consider liking us on Facebook… and sharing your thoughts, photos and videos. Keep a song in your heart!